Pro Growth Consulting Oy

Growth boost for your company

With development services, you can develop your business easily and quickly with the help of an experienced professional. We will get to know your company and suggest measures to help you grow your business and succeed.

The cost of the development service is very reasonable for you, as ELY Center (Center for Economic Development, Transport and Environment) supports the participation of the companies with a 75 percent contribution. You can receive expert help for 2 – 7 days, and the cost for you is only € 325 + VAT for one consultation day.

This is how we have helped companies to boost their growth:

1. Sales growth by e-commerce

A new sales and marketing strategy was drawn up for a customer company operating in the fashion industry. The company’s e-commerce sales increased by 150 percent over the next year.

2. Growth through internationalization

An internationalization strategy was developed for the software SME, which allowed the company to expand into a completely new market area. Now the company is growing successfully in the German market.

3. Success by a customer relationship management model

A customer relationship management model was designed for the financial management company, which allowed the company to focus on its most profitable customers. The company’s turnover increased by 200 percent the following year.

4. Marketing system increases more customers

An annual marketing plan was created for a beauty care company. Implementation of the new marketing plan helped the company gain significantly more customers.

5. Anticipating skills needs

As part of the company’s growth plan a software company made a plan for future recruiting. Based on the plan, the company was able to recruit the right kind of employees at the right time which made growth possible.

6. Productization facilitated sales

The company’s range of services was systematically reviewed, additional services were curtailed and the remaining services were commercialized to facilitate purchasing. After that, sales and marketing work was much easier and sales clearly increased.

We will be happy to tell you more about the service and help you apply for ELY’s Business Development Service.

Virpi Europaeus,, 050 5052888

Business Development Services Team

Yritysten kehittämispalvelut -tiimi

Pro Growth Consulting Oy

Our mission is to help growth-hungry companies succeed and create new business and new jobs in Finland. Our tools include consulting, coaching, training, coaching, mentoring and research and analysis. We also operate as ELY’s service provider and implement Business Development Services as well as training programs. For new companies, we provide the Startti Plus -service. Find out more about us here.